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Spiderjack 3 Manual

Multifunctional, self-blocking rope control device for the running double rope. The running rope is directly in front of the climber so it is possible to pull and feed the rope very comfortable with one hand or hand over hand into the device.

With the new design, turning it in the releasing position and pressing the thumb brake needs very little force and the smoother handling allows for more convenience and safer feeling when using the speed control.

The SpiderJack 3 also has a secured locking function which provides the ability to move around without rope falling through device. This gives the climber the ability to make moves without the need to release slack when repositioning.

The frame is made of high quality stainless steel, so the danger of failure is very low even under high stress.

The integrated swivel allows to turn and use the device in the optimum direction and can be used right or left handed. The pulley under the cam provides a fairlead so the rope entry is always at the proper angle.

The new design also makes it impossible to place the cam in the wrong position when replacing or changing out. The big replaceable wearing pin inside the rope channel allows for working with the device for many years.